Hi, I'm Richard Pearson; husband, Dad of two, business owner, cleaning expert and co-presenter on the hit TV show Filthy House SOS.
As you can see, I am a very busy man, but I like it that way.
I didn't start out as a cleaning expert. In my early days I trained to become a semi-professional footballer before moving into retail and the restaurant industry. I worked hard but I wasn't ever fully fulfilled in what I was doing and life seemed to be passing me by. I then had relationship that failed and resulted in me having to move back to my parents' house at the age of 32. I was not in the place I wanted to be at this time in my life and was pretty down in the dumps...
Fast forward a few years and I met Rachel, who is now my wife, and she encouraged me to aim big and get back on my game. after a stern tasing to that gave me a firm reality check, the fire was back in my belly. With this new desire to aim big I decided to take my love of cleaning and buy a cleaning franchise called Poppies on 11th November in 2010, just a few months before our first child Olivia was born!
Having a cleaning company made sense to me as in all honesty I'm a bit of a clean freak and I do suffer with OCD. I also liked the idea of being my own boss. Having the business helped me manage and channel my OCD and also gave me the opportunity to build something of my own.
In the early days having the business was pretty tough going, especially with a new baby who didn't sleep very well. I had to run the business, but I also had to clean, do quotes, manage staff and try to build the business to a size so that it could support my young family. Over the years this has really developed my knowledge within the cleaning industry and I've managed to evolve the service we offer; the business in the time I've had it. I now have a shop in a lovely village on the Wirral which also offers dry cleaning and ironing along with our domestic and commercial cleaning services. I've even done extra training in professional oven and carpet cleaning so I can pretty much tackle most cleaning jobs!
In 2013 Rachel and I got married and we welcomed our son Sebastian into the world in 2015. My life took an unexpected turn in 2020 when while at work one day I was contacted by a Channel 5 production company who were looking for a new presenter for a hit TV show called Filthy House SOS. After a series of auditions, I was given the role and within a couple of weeks I set off around the country with my co-presenter Brennan Budden cleaning some of the dirtiest homes in the UK. This opportunity came totally out of the blue but has been an amazing experience so far. I've been so lucky to be able to do what I love and am passionate about while helping those in need up and down the country.
Life has had its ups and downs over the years but I'm excited about this new chapter and I look forward to sharing the journey with you all.
Keep posted for blog posts and follow me on social media for smart cleaning tips, family life and of course information about Filthy House SOS !!!
Richard x